Those who have been following my blog since the beginning know that Sabrina was not only one of our first fosters, but one of our first boarders too. She considered our house her home away from home. I am sad to say that she suddenly died on Tuesday. She would have been 10 in June. Not sure of the exact cause.
Sometimes she would be over when it was just her with our kids. On the couch of course.

Even when there was a big group at the house, Sabrina did not consider herself a mere boarder, and took her rightful place with our kids on the couch. She is in the corner spot between Stella and Stanley.

Sometimes she experimented with a new place to rest.

She was our model on a couple of posts for removing corns.

She was also our
last boarder at the old house. She was supposed to come down this weekend to meet our new dog walker, for the next time she stayed with us.

We will miss you! You were a very sweet and very special girl.