This is part 2 of our Barkwell's trip this year. Check out Barkwell's part 1 if you missed it.
Beth catching the morning sun. Patiently waiting for breakfast in her makeshift bolstered bed.
Mika the Vizsla.
She had already been running around for half an hour when we got out there. Does she look tired?
Her mom was very happy that Mika now had running partners. The race is on.

Dangit guys! Wait for me.

Mika: He’s right behind me isn’t he? Yes, Mika. RUN!!!

Caught her. Taking cues from Stella the ‘Fun Police’, Stanley goes for the PIT maneuver.

Beth is lost in her own world. Smelling the flowers and conversing with a butterfly.

A couple of laps around the pond, and stick a fork in ‘em.

With the greys out of the picture, Parker takes his shot at chasing Mika.

Most shots looked more like this. Jaime is showing her rump, Beth is starting to sag, and Parker is off to cool down in the pond.

Tortoise and the hare. Parker might be 11 years old, but he can still go all day long.

Stanley, those ears don’t look very aerodynamic.

Like the Energizier Bunny. Hey mister, have you seen the greyhounds?

In a nice shady spot of course.

The sign outside a pizza shop where we had lunch. I concur.

Back to the beer tasting. French Broad Brewery. Before.

And after.

After another full day of tastings, we picked up some local ‘Q at 12 Bones, and headed back to relax on the deck.

The kids are still worn out from their morning jaunt with Mika.

On the way back home, we stopped at our friend Susan’s, so she could meet Beth, and Kris could meet her new puppy, Rocky. Rocky did not know what to make of the Big Dogs.

We had a great time. Though the original weather report called for rain, then heat, we lucked out and got neither. Already looking forward to next year’s trip.