One holds my freshly ground and brewed coffee. The other takes awesome pictures.

We went to our first wine festival of the year. We took Stella, and Trina brought Cali and Petey. You can see more pics of Petey on Trina’s post. Petey wonders why people have to go to special places to potty, when he can go anywhere outside.

Petey’s specialty was toe-kissing.

No Petey, you don’t have a wrist band. You’re too young to join in the festivities.

There were torrential rains the night before, so we had to pick our picnic spot carefully. I think Stella might be sneezing from all the pollen in the air.

The next weekend was beer weekend. My friend, Shawn, who own the homebrew store in NJ, came down for a brew pub tour. We started at Devil’s Backbone Brewery. Got the full 10 beer sampler with fried pickle spears to cleanse the palate.

Next was Blue Mountain Brewery and their 6 beer sampler. We got some hummus to tide us over till dinner.

They had just expanded their patio area, and with the nice weather, it was packed.

Next on the list was South Street Brewery in downtown Charlottesville. These samplers were bigger, so I only got four. One down, three to go.

Time to go brew some more beer.