We recently had an ice storm come through. The kids love the snow. But ICE... That’s another story. I think the look on Stella’s face says it all.

In between the ice storm and the recent snow storm, we had a bit of a lull. That did not stop this guy from from running his dualie truck into the ditch.

We have been babysitting Dawson (Italian V) this past week. He is such a love bug.

What was supposed to be a ‘flurry’ turned out to be probably the best snow of the season so far. As you’ll see in the following pics, the kids are thoroughly enjoying it. It was a nice wet snow which gave the kids plenty of traction for ripping around the yard.
I am being charged by Stella, Lucas and Dawson

Here are all four of the kids running around. Parker even got in on the action.

Stella is practicing her final leap for the finish line for when she makes her triumphant return back to the track someday.

Does Lucas enjoy running in the snow? Just look at that crazed look of enjoyment on his face.

After all the running, Stella thought it necessary to regain her dignity by posing for a regal shot.