Saturday, January 31

Finally It Snowed

Hard to get snow pictures without some snow. A couple of hours after these pictures were taken, the snow turned to ice, and nobody felt like playing anymore.
Stella and Stanley enjoying their first significant snowfall of they year.Pippi’s first snow. Stella just had to sneak into the picture.Stanley gazing into the distance.Stanley tries to lick off his snow moustache.How did he get it?Jaime thought it safer to eat a tree.Pippi enjoys running in the snow long after everyone else is tired out.Hey Stella wanta play?Come On!Uh oh! Better make a run for it.Stella says, ‘I told you she crazy’. She already pulled that one on me.Stella poses as a statue frozen in the snow.Oh jeez, not her again.Attack!!!Stella lays down the law.The rarely seen two-headed brindle. Only seen on snowy days.Where, where? Which way did it go?


  1. Greyt Pictures! Your crew seems to have enjoyed the snow more than Hero did!
    I particularly liked Stella's "statue" picture (great camera work).
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love the photos! They look like they are having so much fun playing in the snow!

  3. Great pics - I love Stanley's snow moustache :) Our kids had lots of fun playing in the snow too...I'll get the pics and video up this weekend.

  4. Cute snow pictures! I wish it would snow here....all we got was some yucky sleet/rain mix. =(

  5. Fun pics! I wish it would snow here, at least it would make it kinda worth all the cold weather.

  6. aw, such greyt pics! I love all the expressions and mid-air captures! Unfortunately, we're back into horrible cold again, so no romping in the snow for Sabrina and Apollo.

  7. Awww, look at them romping in the snow. I'm so jealous! Of course Diego is very happy the snow stays north of us. He already wants to go out doubled up in his jammies & coat in this cold... he'd never want to leave the house if there was wet stuff involved too!

  8. Your snow pics are always great! I have my Greyhound Calender displaying your February kids! It would be nice to see some snow. For like a day. My kids are already becoming Florida dogs. It was 51 yesterday and they were shivering! but you are right, in 5 months they will be house rats waiting out the hot days. Guess I will be taking lots of night walks!

  9. Great pics. We didn't get anything. Maybe will get more than us tonight I think

  10. Hahahah! Hilarious!

    Mmm.... tree bark.

  11. safer to eat a tree. ha!
    great shots. i'm impressed that yours move.
