Our house is usually pretty full this time of year. Between fosters and boarders, feeding time is definitely a two person job. Our shortest foster was
Tina who stayed for only a few hours. I picked her up on Friday morning, she rested a few hours here, then was on her way to her forever home that same afternoon. Sounds like she is settling in just fine with her new family.

We are still fostering Pippi through this weekend. For boarders we have brother and sister, Milo and Charlotte, who are a couple of dark brindles. Dora and Zoey who are two fawn sisters. Sometimes it’s just easier to muzzle everyone when they go out to play.

A new butt to sniff. ‘Hey girls, this way. I think we missed one’.

With so many trampling the grass in her yard, Stella declares ‘Martial Law’, and proclaims herself the ‘Fun Police’. No gatherings of more than three greyhounds without prior written authorization.

Everyone supervises Kris while she cross-stitches. Clockwise it is Pippi, Dora, Parker (under the blanket), Zoey, Stanley, Stella, Jaime, Milo, and Charlotte.

With no space left on the couch, Kris plays some Wii golf. Clockwise it is Dora, Jaime, Zoey, Parker, Stanley, Stella, Pippi, Milo, and Charlotte.

I was watching Dr. Zhivago on tv, and during one scene, wolves started howling. I think they must have said that wolves howl better greyhounds. We’ll show ‘em.

‘Hey wait for me’. Milo who had been sleeping upstairs came running downstairs to join in.