Monday, June 11

Baby Turtles & Doggie Burgers

At first I thought it was a leaf in the road. It didn’t move when the wind blew. I stopped the car and went to take a look. Baby turtles. I saw two more in the driveway. I managed to not run over any of them. They were making the 100 ft trek to the pond across the street. I have come across the mommy turtle before. I tried to prod her across the street with a 1 inch thick branch. She hissed, swung around, and snapped the branch in half. These guys were not nearly as ornery. They had just managed to dig themselves out of the dirt and just wanted to get a bath in the pond.
Why are you blocking my way to the water? I can see the pond from here.

So how big am I? I already feel bigger than when I dug myself out this morning.

This is a brother/sister (how can you tell?) who had managed to already make it down the driveway and down to the road.

I took the three that I could find and put them on a lily pad. I figured I would save them the few hours it would take them to make it themselves.

Hey, where did everyone go? Wait for me!

We made a Costco trip for stuff to grill on the Big Green Egg. Since we usually pile up on stuff there, we usually take the 4Runner, but it was in the shop, so we took the sedan. When we came back and started putting stuff away, the kids must have thought we were making room for them. Jaime and Stella jumped into the sling in the back, and wanted to know where they were going?

Hey, is there room for me in there? Don’t leave me behind!

I made some burgers on the BGE. Two for us, and four for the kids. Lucas got the double-size doggie burger because he’s a big boy.

While waiting for the burgers to finish cooking, Jaime decided to relax on the couch and do her impression of a giraffe with ETS.

Parker waited for his burger by sleeping on the floor in full roach position.


  1. Very nice job saving the baby turtles! Burgers for your greys, how excellent! Better not show this to my dogs.

  2. I haven't seen baby turtles in forever!! They were so tiny! Are you sure that double-doggie burger wasn't for Stella... she is the queen after all! =)

  3. you should send those to cuteoverload dot com!

    kayute! and the wee burgers?!?!?

  4. My dogs are jealous. No people food here.

  5. Turtles! How cool! No turtles here even though we live near a river. I am glad that the mamma turtle did not meet the greys - that could have been a trip to the vet!

  6. Oh my gosh, I can't believe how little those turtles are! Good job on even spotting them.

  7. I'm very sorry about lucas. i just read katrina's blog. vaga has lost a beautiful fella.
