Where does the weekend go? On Saturday, we took Hope up to Herndon for a home visit. We ended up leaving her there as a foster-to-adopt. The family instantly fell in love with her, so I don’t think Hope (now Amber) will be coming back. She is such a sweetie. We will miss her. She and Lucas were very tight while she was here. Lucas will miss his girlfriend. The family had a 3 year old boxer/greyhound mix named Allie. Allie had been in a funk for a couple of months since their Dalmatian died, but was jumping up and down and happy to meet Hope. Hope became attached to their 8 year old daughter during the visit. I think Hope is a good fit for this family.
On Sunday, Kris and Debbie went to Staunton to adopt out Sadie. Sadie was a return from a couple of months ago. She has been fostered in Richmond, and her foster mom also came to the adoption. The pic is of Sadie with her new daddy. He is opening up a restaurant later this year, and we look forward to trying it out. If don’t make it through the Siemens acquisition, I wonder if he is looking for a sous-chef?