We’ve been trying to keep our boarding to a minimum, but that rarely works during the Holidays. Hence the 11 bowls of food.

Feeding was spread throughout the house.
Here are 8 of them in the living room.

Sooie needed extra roughage in her diet.

The only extra that Belle needed was stuffing. Poor gorilla.

Most of the time, the kids were just laying around. Buck takes nap time seriously.

Sunny looking all cool with one paw hanging out.

Blue says he can do even better.

Parker liked to lay in his little bed behind the couch, where he wasn’t likely to get run over.

Jenny doesn’t like her daddy taking pics of other girls, and decides to photobomb this pic of Abby.

Outside the weather was unseasonably warm. So Buck decides to play a little soccer.

Jenny thinks it’s more fun to chase deer. One deer is visible on the far left about 3/4 of the way up.

By the time the rest of the crew showed up, the deer were long gone.

I wonder if it was the same deer that was swimming away from the hunting dogs earlier in the pond behind the house. The joys of living out in the country during hunting season.

Beau says he still smells them. They went thataway.

After all the fun outside, time to go in for a nap. Belle wishes she has thumbs to open the sliding door.

Beau refuses to learn how to use the doggie door.

Now we're back to just our four, and the house is calm and quiet.