Our annual outing to Cooper Vineyards for the
Lucy Weekend to support the Richmond SPCA gets a bit bigger every year. This year, we had enough greyhound people to create our own ‘greyhound tent city’ on the grounds.

Trina’s parents came from the other side of the state to join us. And Rob brought his 1 year old Shiba Inu, Sakura.

Sakura was very well behaved. Must be all the calm vibes given off by the greyhounds :)

It was a bit hot, especially when there was no breeze. Mitch hosed down Cueball to help him cool off.

Cueball, did you know you’re wet? Oh, I can fix that with a quick shake of my head.

Once to the right.

Once to the left. I think it’s working.

At 12 and a half years old, Henry still loves going out and being part of it all. But requires more naps in between.

Stanley: Daddy, I’m done with this one. May I have another Viognier, please?

Michelle entertains a loose beagle while Rob and Trina’s mom looks for his parents.

We were watching Jorja for the weekend. Tired of not being able to see anything being surrounded by greyhounds, Jorja decides to head for higher ground.

Shiloh, the old lady in the group at 14 and a half, takes a nap while roaching.

Afternoon activities included doggie dancing.

Set amongst the vines, Joyce and Sammy Davis were ready for some dancing.

Even though it was hot, Sammy Davis performed like a champ.

Parker has his own bed and sits in Kris’ lap in the passenger seat. That didn’t mean he had to be an A/C hog. His ear is flapping from being so close to the vent.

Not surprisingly, Stanley was pooped out.