My friend in North Carolina recently got a new puppy. Elliot the kitty cat, and Lily who is 15 years old, were not happy about this new addition. Watch out Lily! Since she’s deaf, she never saw it coming.

He was much happier to expend his puppy energy practicing duck retrieval when his daddy got home.

Like Trina, I also upgraded to a Canon 7D. Got a few nice lenses to go with it. I need lots of practice for Aubry’s wedding in Scotland in the Fall. Not sure I will be getting these fast actions shots at the wedding.

Probably more like this where people stand around and look pretty.

Our two old ladies out in the yard.

Beth and Jaime waiting in line to have their picture taken.

I’m not bow-legged. Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.

Parker is the perfect size for a Sunday afternoon nap.

Now for the head shots. Beth in bed.

Parker on a blankie.

Stanley resting on dog toy.

Stop the madness. Enough with the picture taking already!