We got a new couch this week. A microfibre L-shaped couch with a curved chaise end. Much more useable space than our old two couch method. The kids love it. They can all fit on it without having to touch each other. Might even be able to fit a couple of humans on there too :)
Hannah has settled in and feels comfortable. Can you tell? Sleeping like that would give me a head rush. She will probably go to another foster home in a week. Hope’s forever home. We dropped off Hope there only a few weeks ago, but it looks like they may be ready for another grey. Guess they really are like potato chips. Hannah’s a sweetie. We will miss her. But we will have our hands full with new fosters from our next haul.
We had a dog haul just this morning. Five greys came up from Orlando. SJ’s Limit, Discount Point, Italian V, WW’s Cruise, and Anawait WV. There were half a dozen VAGA voluteers to meet the hauler and just as many approved adopters who couldn’t give up the chance to get a sneek peek at their new baby. Rex and Linda drove them up to the vet and brought Shirley on their way back. She seemed very happy to be back here. So Aubry will be watching Stella, Lucas, Parker, Hannah and Shirley for us next week. Should be fun at feeding time.
We will be taking off for Florida tomorrow for our vacation (aka dog haul). Driving down with Jason and Trina. Mapquest says 14 hours. A couple of days at the beach near Clearwater, then off to Orlando for SeaWorld, then to the GPA rescue kennel and the track kennels to pick up dogs for the trip back. We should be able to see some races at the Tampa track, St. Pete track, and of course the Sanford-Orlando track where we get our dogs from. Jeez, even our vacations revolve around the greyhounds. Of course if we weren’t driving back from Fla next weekend, we’d be at Dewey Beach for Greyhounds Reach the Beach. We went to that last year, and plan on going and taking our hounds next year. Thousands of greyhounds and their humans in one place.