Saturday, May 30

Squirrel Saturday

Kelli: Daddy, look. There's squirrels at the bird feeder. There's one on the railing, and one actually on the feeder. 
Thanks, Kelli. You're a great sighthound. And very lazy.
We put butterflies on the sliding door, as birds seemed to crash into it. And the stained glass of Stella and Lucas guard the other half.


  1. Kelli, you're supposed to get off the couch and chase them away :)
    Dip Elliot and Lynne x

  2. She takes her retirement seriously. LOL

  3. Those pesky little critters. Next time you are outside, you chase them to an inch of their tail:)

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Sue, Polly & Honey

  4. that is a great way to squirrel hunt!!

  5. Way to show those squirrels that you mean business, Kelli...

  6. Best to relax on the couch and let someone else take care of the squirrels

  7. I'm so glad we don't have squirrels here! Your doors are much better protected than mine, I just have a big blue cross on all of them ... which is to stop the dogs, not the birds :( Love the stained glass of Stella and Lucas

  8. Fabian now does this. I compare it to watching sports on TV. People want to play, but those on TV are stronger, faster, better. Fabian watches squirrels the way I watch Usain Bolt videos: I'm fascinated but am not kidding myself
