Sunday, March 25

St. Patty's Parade

Some sad news before I get to the parade pictures. Harper, with the cast from the last post, crossed the Rainbow Bridge this past week. I am glad we got to watch her one last time.

Now on to happier news. We were in the St. Patty’s Day parade held by our local microbrewery, Blue and Gray. The Harley group next to us couldn’t resist coming over to love on the kids.

A few more greys show up in anticipation of the start.

This is the original BowWow Bonnet that we got for Stella. She still loves to wear it.

As the sun comes out, and it starts to warm up, Stella and Parker look for shade.

Stanley finds himself a nice patch of shade.

Jaime relaxing before we start to line up.

We were group 16, and tried to get everyone in line before we got to the actual parade route. Quite a few leashes got crossed.

A spectator view from the sidelines.
The actual route wasn’t very long, but Stanley was pooped.

 Sunny was happy to get back from the parade and rest in her usual spot. She came up 4 years ago, and while she was our foster for a few days, we took her to the St. Patty’s Day parade. That must have been quite a shock for a dog straight off the track.

Thursday, March 15

Just Hanging Out

Nothing too exciting going on in our household. Just the usual visitors. 
Harper has osteo in her leg, and adjusting to having a cast. It’s been 7 months since diagnosis, and she’s lost a couple of pounds but still going strong.
Sara, her daughter, is worried about her mom’s illness. She was super shy when we first had her over, but now she’s been over a few times, and feels comfortable enough to hang out down stairs with us.
Sunny, who considers this her second home, uses one of the toy baskets as a make-shift pillow.
Jaime loves having company over, and will lay down in the middle of the room, so she be within touching distance of everyone.
Stella doesn’t mind company, but when she is 'Couch Queen' mode, she has a special way of keeping others away.

Tuesday, March 6

Auntie Aubry Visit

Aubry made a quick trip back to Virginia for a few days. Of course we took her to visit a local winery. Keswick Vineyards is about 45 min from our house.Right down the road is a new cidery, Castle Hill. Less alcohol than wine, more like a strong beer. Very crisp and refreshing. While waiting for our cheese plate, the two married ladies perused the wedding magazine.
The crisp cider paired nicely with the stinky cheese. Yum!
As we settled in for the night, Jaime and Stella showed how much they missed their Aunt Aubry. Stella really missed having Aubry rub her rump.
Jorja found a nice soft spot to lay her head.
Stanley didn’t really notice. He was zonked out.
While Sunny snuggles with an Angry Bird on the bed, Jorja is between beds.
In our effort to keep their teeth clean, the kids gnaw on some bully sticks.
The kids were great while we held an adoption at the house. Mojo (right) arrived an only child, and is going home with her new brother, Edge.

Thursday, March 1

New Teeth Scraper

We were getting ready to head down to Trina’s for her birthday weekend. The kids were greeted by a dozen or so turkey vultures. The only thing more offensive to Stella than a neighborhood hoodlum on a skateboard is turkey vultures. Of course she told them what for by barking her head off, but they were more interested in whatever was dead in the ditch. These two were giving me the stinkeye while I took their picture.
After we spent the day at the Virginia Wine Expo and the night eating and drinking at the Chef’s Table at The Blue Goat, we were still recovering the next morning. Good thing everyone could fit on Trina’s new couch.IMG_7175-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
We were watching Dusty and Fern for the weekend. Dusty catches some morning rays while waiting for his brekkers.IMG_7192-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
At the wine expo, we got the kids a special treat. A deer antler. Stanley went right to work on it.IMG_7216-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
Stella gives it the once over.IMG_7220-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
Not sure what it is, she decides to take a nap with it.IMG_7222-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
Jaime knows exactly what to do with it.IMG_7225-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
Old bone or...IMG_7227-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
New bone?IMG_7228-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
Definitely new bone.IMG_7230-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg
Little Jorja chews on bone more her size.IMG_7234-2012-03-1-11-39.jpg