No, it's not the name of a musical. We had Beth for a week shy of her one year Gotcha Day. A month shy of her 14
th birthday. I had big plans for her Quinceañera, but it wasn’t meant to be. I started calling her Bèbè, and soon, Kris was too.
Not sure why she was given up after being an only dog with the same person for 8 years. Never was given a satisfactory answer. Must have been quite a shock to come to our house.

She was a bit on the skinny side. We fattened her up in no time.

She was still in good health. Her ears were always up.

Yes, Stella, she is coming to stay. You can be Queen of the couch, and she will be the Hall Monitor.

This is the only pic of all the kids on the couch. She was more of a dog bed kinda girl.

We tried to help her relax by playing some soothing music.

It snowed right after we got her. She was all about playing in the snow.

Mommy, I’m ready to play. Throw it already.

We had a ramp built, so she wouldn’t have to deal with stairs. We did carry her upstairs every night, so she could sleep with us.

Since it was bit hard for her to get up by herself, she took to the bolstered beds. She would lay with her rump on the bolster, which gave her leverage for getting up on her own.

She was Ms. Grouchy Pants, aka, the Hallway Troll. If she didn’t like you, better to go thru the kitchen.

We tried to show her a good time. She even got to meet Katy of
Needle Noses fame.

At Grapehounds Virginia.

At a waterfall during our trip to Barkwells.

Managed to do a little hike at the North Carolina Arboretum trail.

Hanging out at the annual VAGA picnic.

Hanging out with Trina’s kids at a winery.

Slowly denuding her favorite hedgie.

For her last dinner, each of the kids got a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets with their regular food. She woofed it down. She always ate well and had the best poop in the house. She had a cast iron stomach for a greyhound.

I won’t miss getting up at 3am every night to carry her down the ramp, holding on to her sling while she looked for a good potty spot. We could have kept doing that. But the pain meds couldn’t cover her pain anymore. Run free little girl. We miss you!

Say Hi to Lucas for us. Tell him we still miss him too.