Parker and Stella break way for the Brown Dog, while Sabrina and Dottie urge her to keep moving.

Stanley and Stella trying to coax the Brown Dog to come down the ramp. In truth, the Brown Dog figured it out in no time by watching everyone else.

A blurry picture of siblings: Dottie, Sanburg, and little Carly. Funny that they are all black and white dogs. The other brother/sister we were watching were Milo and Charlotte who are both dark brindles. Just worked out that way.

I caught Sanburg and Carly behind the bushes. What are you guys doing?

Is that a skateboarder, someone walking a dog, a Harley? Better check it out.

Yeah, Carly is not impressed with the greyhounds and their antics.

Brown Dog played in the yard with everyone, but when it was time to rest, she quickly figured out the dog bed.

Later, she even took a dabble at the stairs.

Sanburg doing his best Nigel Buggers impression.

Kris' dad came over the watch the Hokies play UVa. Beth on her double mini couch bed, Kris’ dad with Murphy, Parker, Sabrina, Stella, Jaime, Stanley, Sanburg, Charlotte, Dottie, Milo, with Lucy next to Kris.

Pee break. Time for Musical Beds. Beth, Kris petting Lucy, with Carly next to the table, Stanley wedged behind Kris, Sabrina, Stella, Jaime, Parker Charlotte, Sanburg, Dottie, Brown Dog, Milo, and Murphy glued to his daddy.