For the first time since we moved to this house, we had my family over for Thanksgiving. We were waiting for our niece and nephew to get past the crawling stage. Parker looks like he is worried that Edo might be staying as the latest foster.

Maya is Wii boxing, and Stella is wondering why she has to put up with this.

Everyone settled in to watch Maya Wii box. Stanley and Jaime are on the couch, while Parker snuggles up to his grammy.

Go on Edo, it’s okay to rub the Stella rump for good luck.

After a busy day entertaining, the kids needed to take a nap together.

Jethro, now Bruno, was at a foster home for a week, and his new parents came to the house for adoption. He is one handsome fella.

Mom and Dad look proud of their new boy.

This time of year means gift-wrapping at the local Borders. I took Stanley to relieve Prissy after her two hour shift. You can check out more pics at the
VAGA News Blog.

Stanley shows his roaching skills to attract people to the gift-wrapping table. Prissy is not impressed.

It didn’t take long (about 15 minutes) before Stanley was down. A Borders employee was nice enough to lend her foot as Stanley’s headrest. The kids are going to have to come to him.

Stanley and Prissy tag-team the kids.

After a couple of hours, Stanley says he is done. Prissy is still working the crowd. Prissy was tireless and ended up doing an 11 hour shift. There were too many people willing to give her attention for her to leave. I heard she slept in the late the next morning.