I took another staycation week to watch four greys and a whippet. We were a little hesitant about watching a whippet since they can easily jump our fence. We were assured that she was the runt of the litter and a fat little whippet with no interest in fence jumping.
Nine dogs. And we only added one family. From the bottom going clockwise, it is Bev, Sugar on the couch, Stanley, Jaime, Kris, Stella, Chloe, Nixa, Max in the middle, and Parker under the coffee table.

Chloe was much more interested in collecting toys than ending up on the wrong side of the fence.

She is the alpha of her group, and as such, was allowed to share the couch with Stella.

Guess who is not the alpha? Sugar just wanted to be loved on.

Bev had some teeth missing on the right side. That explains it.

Since Stella was willing to share the couch. It’s only fair that Chloe share her bed with Stella.

Chloe: He’s ruining my glamour shot, isn’t he?

Jaime actually did a respectable job of fitting in.

Nixa is the grandma of the group. Bev is her daughter, and Sugar is the granddaughter by another mother. So three generations in one family. Sugar was an ‘Oops’ puppy, so she has no ear tattoos.

Max is the newest addition to the family and the only boy. Like Chloe, he loves his toys too.

Sugar doing her dalmation impression. Cow dog indeed.