Sounds like the title to a children’s book. Well, we finally decided to trade in the 4Runner and get something a bit car-like to tote the kids around. Bye bye 4Runner. You’ve been a great car!

We convinced Jason and Trina to join the greyhound cult. Now we decided to join their Subaru cult with our Outback 3.0R L.L. Bean. New car smell to doggie smell in 7 sec flat.
We went down to Richmond to pick up the new car. So we stopped off at Trina’s. Here’s a shot of Jason’s STI, our Outback, and Trina’s WRX wagon in their driveway. When Jason gets his Big Green Egg, we will have a cult trifecta ☺
Stanley is settling in nicely. He says dog beds and toys are the shiznitz!
Stanely admiring the fish at Trina’s. He probably thinks it's a screensaver.

Trina was baby-sitting four greys, a new foster grey, along with her three, plus our four guys. Twelve doggies. For pics of them playing, check out Trina’s blog.

We convinced Jason and Trina to join the greyhound cult. Now we decided to join their Subaru cult with our Outback 3.0R L.L. Bean. New car smell to doggie smell in 7 sec flat.

We went down to Richmond to pick up the new car. So we stopped off at Trina’s. Here’s a shot of Jason’s STI, our Outback, and Trina’s WRX wagon in their driveway. When Jason gets his Big Green Egg, we will have a cult trifecta ☺

Stanley is settling in nicely. He says dog beds and toys are the shiznitz!

Stanely admiring the fish at Trina’s. He probably thinks it's a screensaver.

Trina was baby-sitting four greys, a new foster grey, along with her three, plus our four guys. Twelve doggies. For pics of them playing, check out Trina’s blog.