Another group of girls came up this past weekend. This pic is of Tipper and Isa. We fostered ‘Cm Lil Lady’ & ‘Thrifty Tipper’. Both girls were sweeties. Lady was a bit shy. Not Tipper. She was a little wild child. We referred to as ‘Stella on Crack’. She had the fearless outgoing personality of my Stella with the boisterous energy of a 2 and a half year old that still has a lot of puppy left in her. Two girls, ‘Isa’ and ‘Alice’ were also fostered in town. ‘Ghost’ was fostered in Northern Virginia. The last girl to come up was ‘Fast Ally’, now known as ‘Leah’ since she went to the home here in town where her mom, ‘Ally’ lives. Since neither of my kids went into the breeding program, the best we can hope for is finding siblings. All the new arrivals being fostered in town went to a local Meet ‘N Greet on Sunday. Then we put them in the back of our 4Runner for a trip up to the vet to be vetted (spay, dental, shots...). We also took a previous foster ‘Casey’ to back to the vet.