Stella turned 12 last weekend. She celebrated by spatchcocking herself. We were hoping to celebrate her last chemo treatment on Monday, but her white cells were too low, so a week on antibiotics, and recheck next week. Between Jaime and Stella, we have been going to chemo treatments since March. 

What Stella did get for her birthday was a new ‘little’ sister. I say ‘little’ because she is 80 lbs. Meet Talianna Kazoo, now Kelli. Brody & Jarkko are very interested. Stella: So who’s the new girl?

She was a good racer, but when she broke her hock, it put her on the path to our house. The pin was removed, but it’s only been a couple of weeks, so she still steps gingerly on that leg.

With all the dogs that come through the house, it took Stanley a while to notice. He was last in line.

The hair hasn’t even had a chance to grow back on her leg. With no stairs in the house or to get out to the yard, we figured we’d be a good home for a broken legged dog.

I watched Petey for a weekend. He thought Greyson’s bed was an awesome place, where he could keep an eye on everything. Kitty cat was not happy about it.

Normally all our dogs have their vet work done in Florida before coming up. But due to her leg surgery and then being in heat, she didn’t get a chance. She is at our local vet today. She had a spay, dental, and hernia taken care of. She is out of surgery, and we’ll pick her up tomorrow morning.