Walking in downtown Inverness, we found the equivalent of the Dollar Store.

It’s barely 5pm, but this pub patron has had enough.

For you Doctor Who fans, we almost ate here on her recommendation.

We did not see the Loch Ness monster, but we did catch a glimpse of the distant cousin, the River Ness monster, chomping on an eel.

The people were very friendly. Guess our accents gave us away. They don’t know where Virginia is, but they sure do know John Denver.
Highland cows. Just want to give them a good brushing.

A Highlander breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon (ham), sausage, black pudding, tomato, tattie scone, beans and toast served with tea (with sugar and milk). Met my calorie requirements for the day.

This is the equivalent of $125 to fill up the tank. We still have it pretty good in the States.

Such icons of the UK. Doctor Who fans will recognize the Blue Box.

When we visited Edinburgh Castle, we were happy to see they had a dog cemetery.

At one o’clock, they shoot off the cannon at the Castle. This was how they used to tell what time it was around the city and on ships in the harbor.

Walking around a castle really works up an appetite. Easily quenched with a pork bbq sandwich.

We did a lot of walking from one pub to another. So many cask ales to try. So little time.

The two days we were in Edinburgh were the exact two days that Scotland got pounded by Hurricane Katia. Rain and 70 mph wind gusts did not stop this couple from having their wedding on the Royal Mile just down from the Castle.

The Dude abides. They had 26 varieties of White Russians.

Kris and I try to have a bowl of pho at each new city we visit. Not a tough choice since Edinburgh only has one Vietnamese restaurant.

The Blue Blazer pub in the middle of the day. We stopped whenever we got thirsty. Which was about every block or two.

Edinburgh had animal sculptures spread throughout the city.

Kris’s big purchase for herself? Fingerless wool gloves.

Last installment will be all about our visit to the Greyhound Rescue Kennel in Fife.